Elizabeth Pich and Jonathan Kunz holding copies of the comic book "Salut la Terre" published by French publishing house Les Requins Marteaux

We couldn’t be happier to tell you that our new book “Salut la Terre” is out today in French!

It’s a world premier and we think this is an incredibly beautiful and funny book that everyone should read! It will be out – at some point – in English, too. So if you don’t speak French yourself and don’t know anyone to give the book to, you’ll have to be patient a little bit longer.

If you want to learn the Language of Love, this is perfect for you. It features some of your favorite characters from the War and Peas world and each comic strip is self-contained and completed. Find details and order links here.

We’re super happy that the book is nominated for the renowned Tournesol Prize!

War and Peas 4-panel-comic: 1. A polar bear talks to other polar bears: "Friends, we must prepare for climate change." 2. They continue: "Even if the 1.5 degrees goal is met, our habit will be disappearing." 3. Another polar bear notes, "We could live with our friends the penguins!" Another one agrees, "Yes!" 4. Caption text says, "Later on the ocean" You can see the polar bears with luggage on one ice floe and the penguins on another one. The penguins also have luggage. The polar bears say "Fuck!" The penguins go "Fuck!" as well.

New comic! “Move” is one of a series of climate comics that bring art and science together to explore the big questions about the climate crisis. More to read & download at https://www.comicartfestival.com/constrain-climate-comics

The other artists involved are – award-winning comic creator Darryl Cunningham and comic creator, academic and illustrator Sayra Begum.
CONSTRAIN is a 4-year programme of research and engagement, funded by the EU Horizon 2020 programme. Led by the University of Leeds, the CONSTRAIN consortium involves 14 partners and around 50 researchers from 9 countries across Europe. 

war-and-peas-stinky-kingdom comic by eliazbeth pich and jonathan kunz

War and Peas - The Future - Comics By Elizabeth Pich and Jonathan Kunz