Cover Reveal of "Once Upon a Workday – Encouraging Tales of Resilience"

Cover Reveal

It’s a big day for us! We finally get to show you the cover of our upcoming book Once Upon a Workday which will be released on April 2nd at the publishing powerhouse Andrews McMeel!

The book is different from everything we’ve done so far. It’s about the exhausting, the hopeful, the struggle and the beautiful of everday life. It’s about work-life balance, creative blocks and the overwhelming feeling of having a restless heart. While we know our way around a sleepless night pondering the uncertainty of the universe, we also know the frustration of formulating the right farewell in an email. No matter how big or small, you will find our musings on the creative’s life questions in this book.

Once Upon a Workday features the short story “A Job is a Job” that many of you loved and kept asking us about. You can preorder the book wherever books are sold and via this link list!

War and Peas - Slutty Witch 2020 - Elizabeth Pich and Jonathan Kunz

We added some new self-produced articles to our shop!
Check them out here :)

War and Peas - A Job Is A Job - Elizabeth Pich and Jonathan Kunz

Due to popular demands, we decided to turn our comic “A Job Is A Job” into a comic zine, so you can have it by your side whenever you need it. You can also give it to a friend, meditate over it or use it as a sled.

War and Peas - This is for grandma - Elizabeth Pich and Jonathan Kunz

War and Peas - Postcard Series - Elizabeth Pich and Jonathan Kunz

Every new order come with this set of postcards. Offer good while supplies last!

Link to the store