We are so happy to announce that the short story A Job is a Job is coming out today, namely in our brand new book Once Upon a Workday!

"A Job is a Job" short story from War and Peas. "Another day breaks, you pour out of bed. Not a minute away and in creeps the dread. The gloom of the world waiting outside your door. With its deadlines, its meetings, its burdens its chores. You feel uninspired as you sit in your cube. A few minutes of joy watching cat clips on Youtube. When your colleagues ask a friendly How Do You Do? You simply say Fine but you'd like to say Blue. You say to yourself: That's the way it must be. There are duties and schedules and your kid's dentist fees. A job is a job and a job must be done.  There's no time to sit around and simply have fun! So you slumpity slump your way through each day. As you gripe and you type as you labor away. No this will not do, this simply won't do. Who's running the show here? It's you, my dear, YOU! It's time to start asking what do you want to do. Plan some time for yourself, two, three hours a day. Leave your smartphone at home, just go out and play!
Why did we stop playing? How silly, how wrong! To think growing up means being earnest all the day long. Remember you liked to go out and dance? And you once played guitar in that weird indie band. Or painting – whatever did happen to that. Strange how all those passions fell flat. Now a job is a job and a job must be done. But a you is a you and you must also have fun. So take a week off, one or two, six or eight! This is your mental health and that simply can't wait. Taking care of yourself is the first job of all. If you don't work at that, soon you'll have no job at all. So eat a grand meal, sing a song, learn Malay. Not just once in a while, do these things every day. Yes a job is a job and a job must be done. But taking care of yourself is job number one.

Once Upon a Workday is a collection of funny and heartfelt stories about the ups and downs of adulthood, being overworked and under-appreciated, while mustering up the resilience to keep going on your path. The six short stories will console and inspire the burnt-out professional in all of us. The beautiful hardcover is being released by Andrews McMeel – the publishing house that brought you Peanuts as well as Calvin & Hobbes.

We are incredibly proud of this book and we’re sure you’ll love it, too. It’s available wherever books are sold as well as these online platforms!

Cover Reveal of "Once Upon a Workday – Encouraging Tales of Resilience"

Cover Reveal of "Once Upon a Workday – Encouraging Tales of Resilience"

Cover Reveal

It’s a big day for us! We finally get to show you the cover of our upcoming book Once Upon a Workday which will be released on April 2nd at the publishing powerhouse Andrews McMeel!

The book is different from everything we’ve done so far. It’s about the exhausting, the hopeful, the struggle and the beautiful of everday life. It’s about work-life balance, creative blocks and the overwhelming feeling of having a restless heart. While we know our way around a sleepless night pondering the uncertainty of the universe, we also know the frustration of formulating the right farewell in an email. No matter how big or small, you will find our musings on the creative’s life questions in this book.

Once Upon a Workday features the short story “A Job is a Job” that many of you loved and kept asking us about. You can preorder the book wherever books are sold and via this link list!

Elizabeth Pich and Jonathan Kunz holding their comic book in Italian

Ciao! We are overjoyed to announce that our debut book “War and Peas – Funny Comics for Dirty Lovers” is now available in Italian!

The book – released by Edizioni BD – is beautifully titled “War and Peas – Fumetti spassosi per amanti scandalosi” and we can’t stop repeating this title over and over again like a mantra.

After Spanish, French and German, this is now the fourth language in which the book has been published and we are delighted with the increasing popularity in the international community.

Italian comic strip by War and Peas about a wedding

So if you have a friend who wants to learn Italian or want to give it a try yourself, you’ll find links on this page!


The Most Important Comic Book on Earth: Stories to Save the World

We’re very happy to announce that we are part of the project REWRITING EXTINCTION and THE MOST IMPORTANT COMIC BOOK ON EARTH.

300 creators got together to write 150 stories and create 1 world-saving book. We wrote a story with film legend Richard Curtis. Also in it: Jane Goodall, Ricky Gervais, Taika Waititi, Cara Delevigne and many many more. Check out the full list of contributors here.

The plan is to create a campaign to raise money and awareness to tackle BOTH the climate and the biodiversity crisis. To support, check out these projects and consider making a donation. You can also start with pre-ordering THE MOST IMPORTANT COMIC BOOK ON EARTH which is an amazing story collection.

You can pre-order from anywhere: Your local book store, your favourite online book seller or your regional Amazon service.


We are thrilled to announce that are book is now available in French, too! 

Thanks to our dear collaborator and translator Benjamin Garcia who also runs the “War and Peas en Français”-Instagram account and to the whole publishing team behind First Éditions!

Get the book War and Peas: Des sorcières et des hommes – une BD hilarante et féministe at your local book store or here.