It’s true! 

Our book is out today and it’s already unavailable at some wholesalers. So hurry up, if you want to get your hands on the first edition!

Thank you all for going this way with us!

And many thanks to our amazing agent Nicola, our amazing editor Lucas and our amazing publisher Andrews McMeel. It’s a great honor to be publishing under the same roof as legends like Calvin & Hobbes, Peanuts and our fellow webcomic colleagues Sarah Andersen, Nick Seluk, Alex Norris and many more.

War and Peas - Funny Comics for Dirty Lovers - Jonathan Kunz and Elizabeth Pich - Goodreads - Review












As we often said, we’re big fans of local book stores. We want to encourage you walking into the next book shop around your corner and breath the amazing wisdom-induced air in there.

If your social anxiety is stronger, follow this LINK.

War and Peas - The Voice - Elizabeth Pich and Jonathan Kunz