Backing us on Patreon can be the same as buying us a coffee each month. But it’s much more than that:

Your support allows us to keep working as independent cartoonists. That enables us to publish the biggest chunk of our comics for free on the internet – meaning more comics for everyone! Supporting us on Patreon helps us focus on our next passion projects, create new characters and write new books (and take that much-needed coffee break). We’re eager to continue our work for years to come, but we need your support to do so!

We’re working toward our goal of 2500 patrons!

Upon reaching this goal, we hope to be fully financially independent. That’s why we’re constantly pointing people to our Patreon. Sorry if this is annoying. But we believe most people here understand. You’re here because you love comics and supporting them ensures they won’t disappear.

Talk soon and stay silly,
Elizabeth & Jonathan

War and Peas – Downloads – Tier – Patreon

Check out our DOWNLOADS tier on Patreon: 🐨🐨

This is where we post Patreon-Exclusive art for your Desktop or Phone, new every month! You also get Access to early comics and news and15% off on all War and Peas merch from our shop!

So if you want to become a patron of the arts, consider supporting us on Patreon :) :)